March 23, 2021
March is my favorite month of the year, especially in March! Our lives revolve around the weather and the variations in March define a diversity all can appreciate. It can be below freezing cold, feet of snow, ice storm power outage or all of the above. Today was another sunny cobalt blue sky, with warming temperatures of ~65 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees C).
The rivers have thawed and paddling on them revealed the early blossoms of spring, several trees bursting with flowers, pollen exploding from them when touched, food for those brave enough to explore the early days of spring in New England. What is coming up in your garden?
Even just having one’s face in the sun for a few minutes and feel the energy flow, the warmth that spring is bound to provide in the weeks ahead, regardless of anything else, is enough to provide hope for the future.
A beautiful spring paddle on the Farmington River in Connecticut.