A Rose By Any Other Name
Weeds are nature's mineral redistribution system and a way to sequester carbon at many depths in the soil.
By Nigel Palmer
Rediscovering Water
A review of Gerald Pollack's The Forth Phase of Water
By Nigel Palmer
The Magic of Foliar Feeding
A short-term mineralization strategy
By Nigel Palmer
The Soil Electric
Plants control voltage (Eh) and acidity (pH) to thwart pathogens and insect pressure
By Nigel Palmer
Book Reviews
"The Regenerative Grower's Guide to Garden Amendments"
There have been several printings of the book, typos have been identified and corrected
Here is a listing of the more important ones in case you have an early printing
Page 81:
Compost Material - Green is listed as carbon and brown is listed as protein. The second
edition fixed this. Green is protein and brown is carbon.
Page 181:
Appendix E - Manganese target amount is listed as 35 ppm and was fixed in the third
edition to be 85 ppm.
Page 71:
The Reproductive Stage - It will be the forth printing that talks about the need for
phosphorous during the fruiting phase (vinegar extracted bones) and calcium during the flowering phase (vinegar
extracted shells)
Page 183:
Appendix C - In the column for Nettle leaf Chlorine (Cl) is listed as having 0.8-3.9 and will
be fixed to be 1800-2700.
add the following two collaborators
Page 184:
Appendix D -
1) At the top right corner of the table under deficiency, N(s) should be N(S)
2) At the bottom right, second entry under toxicity B, salt should be B, salt (spray injury)
3) Parenthesis indicate a less likely cause
Example: N(S) - The symptom is most likely due to N, less likely S